
Partners Network
Partners Network
EgisEdge Provides resources and benefits for value-added resellers, independent software vendors and other businesses that want to collaborate with Oracle.
EgisEdge is always looking to partner with organizations that need help referring clients to a cloud implementation specialist.

Oracle also offers the Cloud Excellence Implementer (CEI) Program, which recognizes partners with cloud implementation practices. The CEI Program currently focuses on Oracle's software-as-a-service offerings, providing partners with access to certification exam vouchers, promotion on Oracle's Solution Catalog and Marketplace, and product training.
With 3+ years of experience and over 50+ Oracle Cloud customers globally, Egisedge is a trusted Oracle partner across the globe for ERP, SCM, HCM, EPM, CX, Technology and Cloud Applications.
EgisEdge to form a strategic partnership in the cloud services space. Together, the companies are focusing on developing and implementing cloud solutions for businesses of all sizes and verticals.

SKAAR TECH is one of the leading Engineering, Information Technology, Consultancy & Business process outsourcing organization that envisioned the espousal of the flexible business services that today empower our client companies to operate more competently with more worth Incepted in March 2017, with a highly experienced resource pool in Engineering, IT, Product development, Resourcing SKAAR TECH provides solutions with competitive talent & price to global Engineering & IT industries Based & Headquartered in Coventry, United Kingdom
To support the superior team of Engineers, SKAAR TECH is partnered with an equally accomplished manufacturing setup to support in.
✓ Prototyping
✓ Rapid prototyping
✓ Design & model studio
✓ Die & tool manufacturing
✓ Parts supply
✓ Testing setup
✓ All divisions of Engineering
✓ Software Development